RailMeets For Crew
Our primary mission is to provide a FREE, ad free platform to connect crew with skippers in your area.
You can find your perfect boat, sign-up for races and other events, and message your skipper or crewmates.
Grow your skills by finding a regular boat or a ride for the big race. All from your phone or desktop.
Your privacy is paramount to us, you have full control over what is shown on the public pages and which
notifications you want to receive on signup activities.
Profile Settings

Profile Settings
Set up your profile with your picture, location and contact details, such as phone number and email address.
Personalize your privacy and notification settings. Only share and receive information and notifications that
you want to.
Crew Finder Profile

Crew Finder Profile
Create a profile showcasing your sailing experience and boat positions as well as ISAF classification and
first aid certifications.
Enable the Crew Finder on your profile for other boats to find and get in touch with you.
Boat Finder

Boat Finder
Use the Boat Finder to find the right boat for you. We sort the boats to match with your profile of
experience and preferences.
Filter the boats list by location, sail and racing types.
Once you find a boat, contact them or just join their crew.

Once you join a crew you can view that boat’s full list of events. Mark yourself as available, unavailable or
You can join multiple crews and sign up for events on other boats.
Volunteer at events from your local club.
Let your fellow crew know that you’ll be bringing the beer and snacks.

Railmeets has a great messaging system that allows you to securely communicate with fellow crew as well as boats.
Receive email notifications when new messages. Link directly to new messages in your inbox and respond.

Register with your email and unique password, or create an account with Google+ or Facebook Connect and there is
no need to learn a new password! We won’t have to keep track of it either.
But rest assured Railmeets.com encrypts all passwords with industry strength cryptography.
Forgot your password? No problem with our easy to use reset function.